Small Business Mail Help
Email Upgrade Information
Standard User Help
Administrative User Help
General Facts
We are on track to upgrade standard email services on Tuesday October, 28, 2014. As mentioned previously, no email settings will change. Your existing username/ password will remain the same on the new system. At this time all email accounts have been created on the new server. We ask that you test your login via betawebmail.mycorphosting.com. If you are unable to login with your existing email address and password please contact support at 973.500.6457. In addition, if you are a webmail only user, your addressbook from the old system has also been moved. Feel free to browse the new webmail system, however, please note that new email will not be displayed until upgrade day when this new system goes live.
If you serve as an administrator to your company's email you will have an "Admin" menu option inside of webmail. If you are an administrator and do not have this option please contact support for assistance as cp.mycorphosting.com will no longer be used for account changes starting Tuesday October 28, 2014.
At this time we have contacted mailing list and catch-all customers to make them compatible with the new system. If you have a mailing list and we have not contacted you, contact support at 973.500.6547 so we can assist you further. If any of the following apply please call support to discuss your situation
You have a program / web application that sends a large amount of email
You frequently send messages with over 100 people on the to line
You are an email administrator for your company and you do not have an admin option inside of webmail
You are unable to login to the new webmail system
We have included help documentation on the left hand column of this announcement and our Email Upgrade page. Please review the documentation as it will provide assistance on the new system.
Important Dates
10/22/2014 :: Email accounts have all been created on the new server. Please login to the new webmail system to confirm that your username and password works on the new server. Feel free to look around, however, you will not be receiving email on the new system until migration day. In addition, webmail addressbooks have also been moved to the new server.
If you are the administrator for your company you will see an admin option on the top menu bar. This will allow you to make changes to your users. Please take a moment to view available options. If you do not see an admin option please contact support.
10 PM 10/27/2014 :: Email will begin to route to the new server. It may take a number of hours for your Internet connection to see this change. By making this change the evening before almost everyone will see the new server by Wednesday morning 10/28. 7 AM 10/28/2014 :: We expect nearly every customer will be seeing the new email server. Depending on your email habits, you may not see all of your email on the new system. Please see below for specific scenarios.
Missing email?
I closed my email program at 5PM on Monday October 27th: When you check your email at 8AM on Tuesday October 28th you will not see messages that were sent to you between 5PM and 10PM Monday. All messages sent after 10PM on Monday will be present on the new system. Expect to receive those missing emails sometime during the day on Tuesday. If it is vital you see these messages before we move them to the new system you can access them via the old webmail system, however, you will not be able to reply to messages from this system as it is read-only..
I am a webmail only user and I do not see any of my old messages inside the new webmail system: All messages sent after 10PM on Monday will be present on the new system, however, messages prior to 10PM Monday will not be available. Expect to receive those missing emails sometime during the day on Tuesday. If it is vital you see these messages before we move them to the new system you can access them via the old webmail system, however, you will not be able to reply to messages from this system as it is read-only.
I use IMAP, all my messages disappeared: Your messages will re-appear during the day on October 28th. If it is vital you see these messages before we move them to the new system you can access them via the old webmail system, however, you will not be able to reply to messages from this system as it is read-only.